Think, woman! Sleep, woman!

January 23, 2023

Rylee C
1 min readJan 26, 2023

I skipped class today because I wanted to get some writing done. Instead, I started my annual rewatch of GIRLS and started an essay that I hardly touched. I find winter to be extremely melancholic but somehow uninspiring. The notes app on my phone, however, is full of ideas for writing so maybe it is less that it is an uninspiring time and more that I lack any semblance of motivation.

I don’t believe that I have enough energy to feel guilt from the lack of work that I am getting done. I want to feel bad about it, I want to believe that I can do better, but I genuinely cannot. When I got home from babysitting tonight it was late and I opened my computer but shut it when I noticed the mostly-blank document and the cursor blinking at me, mocking me. I feel exasperated by my lack of creativity! Think, woman! Sleep, woman! Stop feeling guilt for your need to rest when you give your all to self-preservation in the winter, woman!

