So much for sleep, we are both giggling

January 27, 2023

Rylee C
2 min readJan 31, 2023

In the dark, you lay beside me and tell me that we should sleep. It’s three in the morning and I am warm under the blankets where I am trying to steady my own breath, feeling the slow rise and fall of my chest. I am trying to calculate how I will go about the morning sans my familiar routine when you interrupt my thoughts by saying, “Okay… What is the worst sex you have ever had?” So much for sleep, we are both giggling as we turn onto our sides to face each other.

Hours earlier, we were supposed to meet some friends for karaoke but before I started getting ready, I asked you if you wanted to stay in or go out as I could not decide. You told me you had a bottle of wine and we could just wear something cozy and lay on the couch and watch something which was the perfect answer. I quickly packed a bag and moved slowly through the cold night air toward the train.

We sat on your couch while I devoured all of the snacks and I provided you with a formal education about HBO’s GIRLS. “I hate everyone,” you had told me and I told you that you’re is supposed to. I fell asleep two episodes in and woke up four episodes later, at 11:30 p.m. and I laughed in spite of myself. You started giggling and all I could do was apologize for being so exhausted and crashing an hour into hanging out. “I would rather be with you than alone, sleeping or not,” you said to me.

There are certain moments that I cannot get back no matter how hard I try grasping for them. This is an example of one of the first times I knew I would miss something as it was happening. In the darkness of your bedroom, I think about how long it has been since I was having a sleepover like this and I figure that it may be a while before I am again. I am here, I am present. Girlhood is a magical place I can always return to once I leave.

